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  • Welcome to the Triangle Community Coalition!

    We are THE advocacy voice in the Triangle for private property rights. Our focus is land-use policy by advocating for:

    • Zoning reform that allows housing affordability and housing choices
    • Improving the Development Services Process 
    • Educate elected officials, candidates, and municipal staff
    • Our Legislative Agenda
    • More information about us!


  • Mark Your Calendar Mark Your Calendar

    Every Day is Beautiful in Green Valley

    With a wide variety of events and opportunities, Green Valley has something to offer everyone. Celebrate the fun of the Minnesota State Fair with us each summer. Enjoy a scenic stroll through our many parks or play a round of golf at one of our three courses. Have your picture taken with the World’s Largest Owl and marvel at all the beautiful outdoor murals throughout the town.

    Our community offers a thriving economy, superb schools, traditional values, faith and fellowship, helpful services, and many entertainment options. Green Valley is truly the ideal place for new ventures and new growth because every day is abeautiful day.

  • strategic-partners
  • The Home Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake County (HBA) represents and promotes the interests of the residential building industry on issues that affect their ability to provide affordable housing for all citizens of Wake County.


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  • Engage Engage

  • Join a Committee Join a Committee

    Help define our advocacy agenda by getting involved!"

    Sign Up Today »

  • Each year, the TCC conducts a Development Services Survey of the municipalities across the Triangle. This helps us identify the strengths and issues of each municipalities' real estate development processes, as well as provide the municipality with quality feedback from the real estate and growth industries. Click HERE to complete the survey!

    Contact Jacob Rogers for more information and the results of the survey.

  • Member Spotlight Member Spotlight

    Check back for our new member spotlight coming in 202!!


  • Newsletter and Committees SIgn-Up

    Stay updated on recent events, news, happenings and business.